Work with HDR students

Working with ANU HDR candidates gives your business a research perspective and a unique skillset that can enable increased productivity while they get the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world problems and build experience that will help them navigate their future careers. 

Pathways for engaging with ANU HDR candidates


The duration of postgraduate research and the need for independence and self-motivation foster initiative and resilience in HDR candidates, which are necessary capabilities for driving change and solutions-based work in industry environments. Many have prior work experience, further adding to their skills and capabilities.

Ways to engage your business with ANU HDR candidates include:

research internships

Project work (research internships)

The HDR candidate works on a specific project relevant to your needs but not necessarily liked to their research topic.

Research internships are very flexible, can take place at any time during the candidature and are ideally between 3 and 6 months long (FTE).

The start of the internship can be at any time during the year and will be negotiated between you and the candidate.

The candidate is covered by ANU insurance during the internship.

Industry PhDs

Industry PhDs

There are three levels of engagement that can be tailored to the industry host's needs:

Industry engaged: The PhD project is closely aligned with the R&D needs of the industry partner. The PhD candidate receives an ANU stipend scholarship and works within the industry partner's organisation for one or a number of research internships.

Industry linked: The PhD project has been co-designed with an industry partner. PhD candidates receive an ANU stipend and an industry-sponsored supplementary scholarship.

Industry sponsored: The PhD project is of direct relevance to the R&D needs of the industry partner. The PhD candidate will be employed by the industry partner for the duration of their candidature OR they receive a full stipend scholarship from the industry partner.



An ANU PhD candidate collaborates with the industry partner and a CSIRO staff member on a jointly designed project.

The project needs to align with the CSIRO’s priority research areas.

The industry partner supports the PhD candidate with a supplementary scholarship and hosts the candidate for a research internship.


Mentoring and advising

Depending on whether you would like to provide career advice or would like to support a HDR candidate with your subject matter expertise, you can become a mentor or advisor.

You are connected with a HDR candidate based on your and their expertise, skills and/or career development plans.

Mentoring or advising can either be a short, one-off engagement ('Have a coffee chat with me') or a series of meetings over several months.


Seminars and networking

We can organise specific events during which the industry partner meets HDR candidates with a specific set of skills and expertise.

These events can either be a one-off or a regular occurrence.

Have questions about what’s involved in hosting an ANU HDR candidate as an intern or contributing to a longer-term project such as an Industry PhD? 

Our HDR Industry Engagement team can explore the options with you. 

Contact HDR Industry Engagement 

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Life as an Industry PhD candidate: Rosie Georgelin

PhD candidate Rosie Georgelin is working with industry partner Samsara Eco to push boundaries in infinite plastic recycling.

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How Chloe’s PhD partners with industry for plastic solutions

PhD candidate Chloe Gomez is working with industry partner Samsara Eco to push boundaries in infinite plastic recycling.

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